CY3079 and Vivace Yeast Trial in Chardonnay (2015)
Rachel Stinson
Stinson Vineyards
Identically sourced Chardonnay was separated into two identical lots. The control lot was inoculated with CY3079 (20g/hL), the trial lot was inoculated with Vivace (20g/hL). Both were treated identically throughout fermentation and treated with 5g/hL of SO2 at the completion of MLF fermentation. Vivace is an H2S preventing yeast strain.
Lab Results:
Sensory Results:
There was a significant sensory difference (p<0.05) between the Control (CY3079) and the Trial (Vivace). Additionally, of those that responded correctly and indicated a preference (n=16) 69% preferred the CY3079 and 31% preferred the Vivace.