CY3079 and Vivace Yeast Trial in Chardonnay (2015)

Rachel Stinson

Stinson Vineyards


Identically sourced Chardonnay was separated into two identical lots. The control lot was inoculated with CY3079 (20g/hL), the trial lot was inoculated with Vivace (20g/hL). Both were treated identically throughout fermentation and treated with 5g/hL of SO2 at the completion of MLF fermentation. Vivace is an H2S preventing yeast strain.

Lab Results:


Sensory Results:

There was a significant sensory difference (p<0.05) between the Control (CY3079) and the Trial (Vivace). Additionally, of those that responded correctly and indicated a preference (n=16) 69% preferred the CY3079 and 31% preferred the Vivace.

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Comparing chemical and sensory characteristics in Cabernet Franc inoculated with non-Saccharomyces yeast (Biodiva), Saccharomyces yeast (BDX), and non-inoculated fermentation (2021)

Todd Henkle

The Vineyard and Winery at Lost Creek

Report Report

Comparing chemical and sensory characteristics of Cabernet Franc wines fermented with and without addition of commercial yeast (2020)

Todd Henkle

The Vineyard and Winery at Lost Creek

Report Report

Use of specialized nutrient (Stimula Chardonnay) to increase aromatic expression in barrel fermented Chardonnay (2020)

Rick Tagg

Delaplane Cellars

Report Report


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