Joy Ting, Kirsty Harmon, and Matthieu Finot
Most winemaking textbooks discuss the chemistry of SO2, and most winemakers are trained to apply it at various stages of winemaking for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. However, many practical questions remain about its effective use. In this seminar, two experienced winemakers (Kirsty Harmon and Matthieu Finot) will share findings from production-scale experiments, focusing on the ideal timing and amounts of SO2 additions, SO2 depletion in the bottle, and approaches to reduce SO2 usage while preserving wine quality.
If you have been attending WRE sessions for a while, you may have tasted some of these experiments individually. In this webinar we will integrate the results of several trials to (hopefully) form a cohesive picture of SO2 management.