Upcoming Events

Eastern Viticulture & Enology Forum: SO2 Management--Putting Principles into Practice

Tuesday, January 28, 20251:00 PM - 3:00 PMZoom

Joy Ting, Kirsty Harmon, and Matthieu Finot

Most winemaking textbooks discuss the chemistry of SO2, and most winemakers are trained to apply it at various stages of winemaking for its antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. However, many practical questions remain about its effective use. In this seminar, two experienced winemakers (Kirsty Harmon and Matthieu Finot) will share findings from production-scale experiments, focusing on the ideal timing and amounts of SO2 additions, SO2 depletion in the bottle, and approaches to reduce SO2 usage while preserving wine quality.


If you have been attending WRE sessions for a while, you may have tasted some of these experiments individually. In this webinar we will integrate the results of several trials to (hopefully) form a cohesive picture of SO2 management.

Register Here

North Carolina Winegrowers Annual Conference

Thursday, January 30, 20259:00 AM - 5:00 PMBenton Convention Center North, Winston Salem, North Carolina

There are so many great presentations planned! Here are a few examples from WRE trials:

Fri Jan 31, 9:00 Zach Clancey - Microoxygenation as a tool for accelerated aging in wine

Fri Jan 31, 2:15 Corry Craighill - Understanding malolactic fermentation, advantages and disadvantages

Sat Feb 1, 1:15 Joy Ting - The impact of volatile acidity on wine quality: demonstration tasting and discussion

Sat Feb 1, 2:00 Matthieu Finot and Joy Ting - Barrel aging: monthly topping vs. tight bung and roll


Click here for more information!

Sensory Session: Fermentation Considerations for White Wines

Wednesday, February 12, 20251:00 PM - 4:00 PMEarly Mountain Vineyards

Save the date for this in person sensory session where we will be discussing harvest decisions and additions for white wines!

Emails will go out with RSVP instructions soon.

VVA Winter Technical Meeting

Wednesday, February 26, 20258:00 AM - 5:00 PMHotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center

This premier event in Virginia grape growing will be held at Hotel Madison & Shenandoah Valley Conference Center on Wed & Thurs Feb 26-27. The Grape Grower’s 201 Workshop will be held the afternoon of Feb 25. Registration opens Jan 6th. 


Click here for more information!

Sensory Session: Additions of Non-Sacc Yeast & Bacteria

Wednesday, March 19, 20251:00 PM - 4:00 PMKing Family Vineyards

More information coming soon!


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