Tip #12 Stir after inoculating

Joy Ting

This tip resulted from some feedback we heard last year from people using a new generation of rehydration nutrient that doesn’t require as many atemperation steps before the yeast is pitched. People using the nutrients loved how quickly inoculations could be made, but felt that the fermentations were sometimes slow to get started. Further investigation revealed the problem was actually in the lack of mixing that occurs with smaller inocualtion volumes. Whether you are inoculating with large or small volumes mixing after addtion can help ensure a homogenous fermentaiton and avoid several potential problems.

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Read the Schwinn et al paper for yourself

Comparing chemical and sensory characteristics in Cabernet Franc inoculated with non-Saccharomyces yeast (Biodiva), Saccharomyces yeast (BDX), and non-inoculated fermentation (2021)

Todd Henkle

The Vineyard and Winery at Lost Creek

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March 22, 2023

Stone Tower Winery

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Comparing chemical and sensory effects of destemmer rate in Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot (2021)

Kirsty Harmon

Blenheim Vineyards

Protocol Protocol


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