Promoting innovation through experimentation in the wine industry

The Winemakers Research Exchange is a non-profit organization of Virginia winemakers pursuing quality improvement through practical experimentation in vineyards and wineries.

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Evaluating experiments though chemical and sensory analysis

Experimental results are evaluated using appropriate chemical measures. Sensory sessions allow for blind tasting and group discussion of each project.

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Sharing results broadly

Results from past experiments are shared during sensory sessions, on the website, through newsletters, and at regional and national meetings.

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Effect of Crop Load on Wine Quality

Do the theoretical vineyard benefits of crop thinning outweigh the high cost of dropping fruit? In her landmark crop load study in Oregon, Patty Skinkis estimated that a 25-50% crop reduction came at a cost of $700-800 per acre. Furthermore, is this enormous cost actually reflected in the final wine? In this learn module, you'll find the data and analysis from the three studies that the WRE designed to research this topic in the vigorous soils of Virginia, as well as a full literature review, and a recording of the virtual sensory session with insights from Trump's Jonathan Wheeler and those who performed the blind tastings of the crop load trial. 


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