Cluster Halving of Pinot Gris (2014)

Ben Jordan

Early Mountain Vineyards


In a single block of Pinot Gris, one half of clusters were cut in half following the completion of veraison. The remaining clusters were left as is. All clusters received identical sprays and treatments before and after halving and were harvested identically on the same date into two separate lots.  The lots were processed and fermented identically.


Lab Results:

The berries that had undergone cluster halving exhibited more sugar accumulation, but had less tartaric acid. The wines, however, were not very different.

Berry Analysis:

Wine Analysis:


Sensory Results:

There was no significant sensory difference (p<0.05) between the Control (whole clusters) and the Trial (half clusters). No preference data was collected for this experiment.


Effect of Merlot crop load on grape and wine quality (2019)

Joseph Geller, Jonathan Wheeler, Dr. Tim Jordan

Trump Winery

Report Report

Does the timing of cluster halving impact grape and wine quality in Nebbiolo? (2023)

Preston Thomas

Stone Tower Winery

Report Report

Exploring the effect of shoulder thinning in Cabernet Franc (2023)

Joyce and Stephen Rigby

Boxwood Winery

Report Report


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