Whole Cluster Inclusion with Cabernet Franc (2015)

Matthieu Finot

King Family Vineyards


Identically sourced Cab Franc was harvested and separated into two lots. Lot 1  100% of the fruit was de-stemmed but not crushed, in lot  2 - 75% of the fruit was de-stemmed but not crushed; 25% (by wt) added as whole clusters. Both lots were inoculated wil D254 at 14g/hL, all other additions were identical. Lots were pressed separately but identically and racked to identical barrels. Upon completion of MLF, 50ppm SO2 was added to each barrel .

Sensory Results

There were no chemical differences between wines in this study.  The wine made with whole clusters had less anthocyanins and pigment, and slightly less color intensity and greater hue.  There was no significant sensory difference (p<0.05) between the Control (de-stemmed) and Trial (whole cluster). However, of those that responded correctly (n=3) 100% preferred the trial.

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WRE Sensory Session: Jacks & Stems

March 22, 2023

Stone Tower Winery

Report Report

Effect of whole cluster inclusion in Virginia Syrah (2022)

Shane McManigle


Report Report

Developing a protocol for partial carbonic maceration in Merlot (2020)

Kirsty Harmon

Blenheim Vineyards

Report Report


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